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How Much Sleep Do You Need Every Night?


One of the more unconscious questions that can suddenly pop up on your mind is how much sleep do you need every night. It's a tough call since we don't usually mind it, but as long we get some, then we should be fine.

If you feel drowsy yourself and yawning for the most part of your working day, then that should mean that you are not really getting adequate sleep that your body and mind should have. It may also be that you have overslept, which is also not healthy for you either. Your demand for sleep is usually dependent on your current age and your regular activity levels. Even genetics play a role with it.

How much sleep do you need every night usually has different answers. Your case can differ from that with others. Sleep experts admit that they have yet to come up and present real answers to this very common question.

This may be the case right now, but some things stands true, like the need to get 7 hours of sleep every night at the least, regardless of the age and individual health situations. With this in mind, it is also worth noting that situations vary from one person to another. A good example would be young students who are pretty active during school in need of more sleep and rest than folks already in their fifties who are not moving around that much anymore.

One great idea of checking out how much sleep you actually needed every night would be to develop a good sense of sleep hygiene. If you have been experiencing a bad sleep, which is actually a combination of lying in bed fully awake and the actual sleep, then you are not going to find out how much of sleep you needed all in all. You must start by getting a decent and quality sleep first so you can progress through your little experiment. A good sleep is characterized as falling deep into sleep as soon as you got to bed. You should also keep from waking up a lot throughout the night.

Here are some great ideas on how to facilitate a good sleep:

Do not exercise, eat or drink a few hours before you scheduled yourself going to bed. Go to the bathroom first before going to bed so you will not have to wake up in the middle of the night.

Do away with the habit of reading, listening to music or anything that would get your mind to think when you're finally off to bed.

Practice on clearing up your mind at will. This should get you some peace that would eventually lead to a good night sleep.

You should learn by now that the best and probably real way to find out how much of sleep you really need is to do some experimentation with different durations, particularly with sleeping on different time setups and hours involved. Here you can find out if you are well and active during the day with a 9-hour or just a 7-hour sleep. You can modify your experimentation with various small improvements in your life that will enable you to sleep more soundly and consistently. Such improvements can be enforcing a strict bedtime routine, doing away with disruptive stimulants, and introducing relaxing sounds to clear your mind and ease your way off to sleep.

All these can aid you in determining how much sleep you really need. Once you are there, you will notice that you are becoming more happy, content and productive. You should not take this one lightly, since it can dictate how happy and healthy you will become in your later years.

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