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How to Lower Your Chances of Having a Heart Attack

Heart Attack

Heart attack is one of the most common causes of deaths around the world. It happens usually when the arteries tighten and loses its ability to supply oxygen to the heart. There are many factors why the arteries fail to perform their job.

Buildup of cholesterol

Excessive calcium deposit

Blood clot caused by rupture in the blood vessel

Heart attack or myocardial infarction may occur anytime but most especially when you are stressed as your heart pumps blood faster. Shortness of breath and severe chest pain usually precedes the attack. If left unattended, it can lead to death.

There are many contributing factors that put one's life at risk of heart attack such as:

Cigarette smoking (decreases oxygen supply to the heart)

High cholesterol level (fats may block the arteries)

Heredity (the condition may run in the family)

High blood pressure or hypertension



These tips on how to lower your chances of having a heart attack hopefully helps you lead a better cardiovascular disease-free life:

Change your lifestyle. Eat healthy foods often especially those rich in omega-3 fatty acid which is considered good cholesterol found mostly in tuna and salmon. Omega-3 fatty acid is a kind of unsaturated fatty acid that helps reduce inflammation in different parts of the body including the heart. It also lessens lower blood pressure, blood clotting, lowers the level of triglycerides, and enhances the immune system, among many others. The recommended intake is two times a week. Advisably, eat grilled tuna or salmon instead of fried.

Eat a healthy diet. Specifically, include green leafy vegetables like broccoli, parsley, celery, and the like. These foods are rich not only in anti-oxidants but also in nutrients with cholesterol regulating properties. Usually, adopting a Mediterranean diet works best. Before you engage in such diets though, check with your doctor to ensure that it will not affect your overall health.

Quit smoking or alcohol intake. Nicotine addiction may not be that easy to get rid of but no one else can help you but yourself. Gradually, reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke in a day, the same goes for alcohol consumption. Your effort will soon pay off.

Avoid eating fatty meats especially pork. The fat contained in these foods may block the arteries. If you can't avoid it, make sure you eat in moderation.

Avoid food high in sodium and saturated fats to keep your blood pressure normal. These substances are major contributors in increased cholesterol level.

If you have diabetes, always be careful in the foods you eat and keep your blood sugar regulated.

Relax and de-stress. It is advisable if you unwind once in a while, get a massage, and allow your system to be calm. This is in a way an act of fine-tuning your system. Not to overrate stress but it is among the major causes of several life-threatening diseases.

You should exercise often to increase your heart rate and encourage proper blood circulation. Aerobics and cardio workouts like running, jumping, or rowing may helps improve your heart's performance. It does not have to be seven days a week but if you render at least 30 minutes of exercise four to six times a week, it will work its purpose.

Obesity is commonly the enemy of the heart. You must lose weight to avoid hypertension and most especially heart attack if you do not have any either of them yet.

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