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How To Reduce Your Risk of Testicular Disease


Prevention is better than cure. This holds true for a lot of people who live to their hundreds. Knowing how to prevent certain cancers, let alone testicular cancer among men is as good as knowing the risk factors. Testicular cancer occurs when the cells in the testicles, also known as testes or gonads, become malignant or cancerous.

There are several known risk factors including heredity, environment, race, and lifestyle. Studies say that Caucasian men are more prone to developing testicular cancer. The kind of lifestyle you lead also greatly contributes as well as the environment you live in. Based on studies, Caucasian males are at higher risk of developing testicular tumor. To prevent this, here are some suggestions on how you can avoid giving up yourself to this life-threatening condition.

It is best to take precautionary measures early especially among American males to prevent this from happening.

Testicular Cancer Causes

Lifestyle is among the primary causes of testicular cancer. One who smokes a lot naturally accommodates at least 4,000 carcinogens in the body; add to it his failure to take supplements and healthy diet as well as regular exercise. When a person reaches 30, the production of free radicals is also increased but if one makes an effort to battle this, he stands a good chance of warding off not only testicular cancer but other types of cancers as well.

Cryptorchidism or undescended testicle is one of the major causes of testicular cancer. Before birth, the testicles normally move down from within the abdomen into the scrotum. If a male testicle is not positioned this way, the risk of developing testicular cancer is high In order for one to know whether his testicle is undescended, diagnosis is needed and eventually surgery if is proven to suffer from cryptorchidism. Testicular abnormalities upon birth such as inguinal hernia, and penile and kidney problem increase also the risk of developing testicular cancer.


The following will help you determine whether you are a testicular cancer candidate:

Swelling or lump



Preventive Measures

Many have died of different types of cancer because it was too late when they found out. Negligence can put your life at risk cancer-wise. Do not wait until the only things that can save you are chemotherapy and radiotherapy. While you still have the chance, take the following steps to prevent developing testicular cancer.

Make pre-assessment. Maybe you are not well aware of the risk factors for testicular cancer. Men should check whether someone in the family had history of testicular cancer as the disease can be genetic. Usually, a great percentage of genetic diseases jump to the third generation.

Self examination is also suggested. If women are advised to check for lumps in their breasts often, men are also advised to check for swelling, lump or pain in their testicles by doing the following:

Cup the testicles using one hand while the other feels it by rolling the testicle through the thumb and fingers.

Separate gently the tube that covers the testicle and check for any lump or swelling.

If you think that something is amiss, immediately have it checked by your doctor to confirm if you are at risk or safe.

Checking up with your doctor though should not be done only when you suspect that testicular cancer is possible in your end. This should be done regularly especially if you are exposed daily to stress, pollution, and vices or if you have congenital abnormalities. Merely knowing your testicular cancer possibility rating would help a lot in making adjustments or significant lifestyle change.

Change your lifestyle. As much as possible, load your body with anti-oxidants whether through healthy diet and supplements. It is also advisable to quit vices such as smoking or alcohols. It highly recommended that you drink green tea often as it contain ECGC which is a powerful anti-oxidant know to have contributed in reducing risk for prostate cancer among American men.

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